The Gardens: Map & Guidelines for Use
Guidelines for Use of The Gardens as of June 7, 2012:
- Access to restrooms requires the requestor to place key deposit, pick-up and return restroom keys to the Facilities Management Key Office. The requestor agrees to re-lock restrooms at the conclusion of their event and turn off the lights and ceiling fans.
- The requestor agrees to supply trash bags, remove and dispose of the trash generated during the event. A dumpster can be found in Lot 56B (parking lot to the north of the pavilion) in the northeast corner of the parking lot for the event representative/organizer to dispose of trash or debris. Event representatives/organizers for large functions (usually 100 attendees or larger) may wish to contact Facilities Management at (479) 575-5050 to inquire about contracting with Special Setup Equipment Rentals to provide additional waste receptacles and waste disposal and/or cleanup services for their event.
- Requestors wanting to use The Gardens facilities and landscape on the day following a home football game should be aware that various departments and groups will be cleaning the campus landscape, removing trash and other debris, emptying outdoor waste receptacles, and performing similar after-game services during the entire day after the home football game. The Gardens restroom facilities will not be cleaned and restocked until sometime during the first regular business day following the home football game weekend.
- If using tents and other structures requiring support wires or cables, the requestor must use anchor or barrel weights. No tent stakes are permitted for use anywhere on the campus landscape.
- University parking permits are required for parking vehicles in lots adjacent to the Gardens during the hours of 7:00am - 5:00pm during normal business days, Monday through Friday. No vehicles are permitted inside the pavilion or any of the gazebos.
- If grills are used, they may not be placed inside the pavilion or inside a gazebo or on a sidewalk as the grease drippings will stain those surfaces. Grills and such must be placed on the landscape so the drippings will fall on the grass or soil. Charcoal, wood and other combustible materials must be completely extinguished before being disposed of in a container on site or placed inside a University dumpster.
- The Gardens water service (restrooms, sinks, hose bibs, etc.) will be operable and available for use from mid-April through mid-November. The Gardens water service facilities are "winterized" and inoperable during the late fall, winter and early spring time periods. For questions about the availability of the water service in late fall or early spring, please contact Facilities Management at (479) 575-6441.
- It is the responsibility of the requestor to include time for setup, tear down and cleanup time in their outdoor facility reservation request as other groups may have use of the site on the same day. NOTE: Facilities Management cleans the facilities and restocks the restrooms once each regular business day, Monday through Friday between the hours of 8:00am - 2:00pm. There are no services on University holidays or when the campus is closed due to inclement weather. Groups may request additional services which will be billed to the requesting group prior to the scheduled event.
- Event representative/organizer MUST have a copy of the approved outdoor facility/space reservation request with them at all times during the event.
- All approved requests for the use of The Gardens pavilion INCLUDE THE RESTROOMS. Each restroom will come equipped with adequate supplies to handle most function sizes and include the paper towels, toilet tissue, hand soap and waste receptacles for the restroom ONLY.
- Approved reservations for The Gardens pavilion and/or each of the gazebos includes use of the large picnic tables that are found in each structure. However, picnic tables will NOT be moved due to the necessity of using heavy equipment to do so and risk of damaging the units. If there are any further requirements (such as additional tables, chairs, staging/portable risers, sound systems, supplemental lighting, tents or requirements that include additional power sources/supplies to handle food preparation, large sound systems, etc.), it is the responsibility of the requestor to provide these. The requestor may contact Facilities Management at (479) 575-5050 to inquire if the University can provide these additional needs. Any additional requirements, including modification of the site, will be provided on a labor time and material basis payable by the requestor.