Building List and Snow Response Plan

The campus Snow and Ice Response Plan describes the coordinated support that various campus departments provide when hazardous conditions due to inclement weather exist. 

Emergency services such as the University Police Department, Pat Walker Student Health Center, transit bus routes, other campus streets, sidewalks, parking lots, and E&G building entrances (especially handicapped access) are determined to be a priority and will be cleared before other priority streets are treated. 

The entrances, exits, and hills of the Stadium Drive Garage (SDPG), Garland Avenue Garage (GAPG), Harmon Avenue Garage (HAPG), and Meadow Street Garage (MSPG) are treated just prior to the treatment of priority streets.

The main campus sidewalks (i.e. those moving the larger numbers of people across campus) are cleared as soon as possible, with the smaller walks leading to campus and building priority entrances being cleared as a part of that process.

Additional details can be viewed in the complete plan and the snow and ice removal priority list

Building List and Response Map

Campus Snow & Ice Response Overview Map

Building List

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


Building List & Snow Response Plan
Building Code ####                                              Building Name Address Alias GSF Snow Maps
(Bldg # / Grid)
F0035 1021 West Dickson 1021 W. Dickson St. FSDI 44,572 26 - G2
F0374 13 North Duncan Avenue - north 13 N. Duncan Ave. NODU 8,640 164 - G5
F0375 13 North Duncan Avenue - south 13 N. Duncan Ave. DUNS 5,232 164A - G5
F0087 1424 West Martin Luther King, Jr. Boulevard (Old Credit Union) 1424 W. Martin Luther King Jr.  Blvd. MLKG 3,108 3 - G1
F0451 1542 West Martin Luther King, Jr. Boulevard (formerly Charlie's Chicken) 1542 W. Martin Luther King Jr.  Blvd. MLKB 3,298 188 - G1
F0404 1564 West Martin Luther King, Jr. Boulevard (Building Services Annex) 1564 W. Martin Luther King Jr.  Blvd. MLKA 2,146 4 - G1
F0365 1964 and 1965 Football Teams Gazebo 450 S. Razorback Rd. GAZ2 956 1 - G1
F0512 2231 West Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard 2231 W. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. MLKT 73,886  
F0361 3 North Duncan Avenue 3 N. Duncan Ave. DUNR   58 - G5
F0495 310 Arkansas 310 N. Arkansas Ave. ARKV 5,840  
F0241 410 Arkansas (formerly Speech and Hearing Clinic) 410 N. Arkansas Ave. ARKA 7,954 2 - G6
F0500 481 Shiloh Drive 481 S. Shiloh Dr. SHLH 22,428  
F0461 532 Lindell 532 N. Lindell Ave. LIND 1,716 197 - G3
F0457 836 Center Street 836 W. Center St. CENA 5,740  191 - G5
Building Code AAAA                                              Building Name Address Alias GSF Snow Maps
(Bldg # / Grid)
F0347 Abernathy AgriScience and Technology Center 1194 W. Cassatt St. ASTC 1,104   
F0003 Administration Building 1125 W. Maple St. ADMN 50,001 7 - G3
F0004 Administrative Services Building 155 S. Razorback Rd. ADSB 52,890 8 - G1
F0466 Adohi Hall A (north wing) 175 S. Stadium Dr. ADOA  77,997  
F0467 Adohi Hall B (south wing) 209 S. Stadium Dr. ADOB 115,193   
F0468 Adohi Hall C (common room) 187 S. Stadium Dr. ADOC 6,066   
F0007 Agricultural, Food, and Life Sciences Building 1120 W. Maple St. AFLS 89,023 11 - G3
F0020 Agriculture Annex 935 W. Maple St. AGRX 14,147 10 - G3
F0006 Agriculture Building 465 N. Campus Walk AGRI 52,415 9 - G3
F0008 Agronomy Field Laboratory 1091 W. Cassatt St. AGFL  5,000  
F0464 Alpha Chi Omega 722 W. Maple St. ACOS  26,925  
F0009 Alpha Delta Pi 519 Oakland Ave. ADPS 26,034 12 - G3
F0398 Alpha Omicron Pi 712 W. Maple St. AOPS   13 - G3
F0014 Altheimer Greenhouses 1380 W. Altheimer Dr. AGRC 14,628  
F0015 Altheimer Laboratory 1366 W. Altheimer Dr. ALTH 14,908  
F0001 Animal Science Abattoir 1902 N. Dvorachek Ave. ABAT 5,640  
F0109 Animal Science Feed Mill 2112 W. Heck St. FEDM 9,774  
F0017 Animal Science Isolation Unit 2690 N. Schwartz Ave. ASIU 1,900   
F0018 Animal Science Laboratory 2690 N. Schwartz Ave. ANSL    
F0387 Applied Broiler Research Farm Savoy, AR ABRF    
F0019 Archaeological Survey Building 2471 N. Hatch Ave. ARAS 29,300  
F0408 ARE-ON Fiber Hut in Alma 6803 Alma Hwy, Alma, AR 72921 ALMA    
F0423 ARE-ON Fiber Hut in Fayetteville 772 W. Discovery Way ARON    
F0021 Arkansas Union 435 N. Garland Ave. ARKU 231,273 15 - G2, G3
F0022 Army ROTC Building 775 W. Maple St. ARMY 13,496 16 - G6
F0340 Arthur M. Harding Hall 1112 W. Maple St. HRDR 64,055 134B - G3
Building Code BBBB                                              Building Name Address Alias GSF Snow Maps
(Bldg # / Grid)
F0462 Band Storage Building 1420 S. Razorback Rd. BNDS 3,040  
F0024 Barnhill Arena 285 N. Stadium Dr. JBAR 157,273 18 - G2
F0025 Barton Pavilion 1167 W/ Knapp St. BPAV 1,500  
F0447 Basketball Performance Center 1201 W. Nolan Richardson Dr. BBPC  65,700 20 - G1
F0026 Baum Stadium at George Cole Field (men's baseball) 1255 S. Razorback Rd. BBSA 35,000  
F0358 Beef Farm 18001 U of A Beef Farm Rd., Savoy, AR BEEF    
F0027 Bell Engineering Center 800 W. Dickson St. BELL 178,397 22 - G5
F0322 Bev Lewis Center for Women's Athletics 183 N. Stadium Dr. BLCA 39,200 23 - G2
F0028 Biological and Agricultural Engineering Laboratory 1180 W. Cassatt St. BAEL 21,102  
F0444 Biology Greenhouse 518 S. Eastern Ave. BGRN  4,056  
F0029 Biomass Research Center 2435 N. Hatch Ave. BIOR 19,599  
F0395 Bogle Park (women's softball) 1180 W. Carlson Dr. BOGL 10,920  24 - G1
F0406 Bogle Park Indoor Facility (women's softball) 1180 W. Carlson Dr. BPIF   24A - G1
F0031 Breeder Hen House 2329 N. Omer McConnell Ave. BRHH 6,400  
F0460 Brewer Family Entrepreneurship Hub 123 W. Mountain St. BREW 5,136  
F0034 Broiler House (class D) 1595 W. Van Thompson St. BRHD 5,600  
F0032 Broiler House #1 2287 N. Omer McConnell Ave. BRH1 9,920  
F0033 Broiler House #2 2303 N. Omer McConnell Ave. BRH2 9,920  
F0037 Buchanan-Droke Hall 129 N. Garland Ave. BUCH 21,163 27 - G2
F0038 Bud Walton Arena 1240 W. Nolan Richardson Dr. BWAR 301,000 29 - G1
F0414 Bud Walton Arena Chiller Plant 1240 Leroy Pond Dr. BWCH 4,471 120 - G1
F0039 Bud Walton Hall 342 N. Stadium Dr. WAHR 85,200 30 - G2
F0040 Bull Barn 1345 W. Dinwiddie St. BULB 4,142  
F0041 Business Building 220 N. McIlroy Ave. WCOB 110,276 31 - G2
Building Code CCCC                                              Building Name Address Alias GSF Snow Maps
(Bldg # / Grid)
F0042 Cage Laying House 2319 N. Omer McConnell Ave. CALH 1,200  
F0043 Calf Barn / Implement Shed 2015 W. Heck St. CABA 4,720  
F0478 Cargill Poultry Research Center 2690 N. McConnell Ave. CPRC    
F0417 Cato Springs Research Center 1475 W. Cato Springs Rd. CSRC 29,980  
F0063 Cattle Shed 2315 N. Gifford Ave. CASH  2,304  
F0076 Central Utility Plant - Central Chilled Water Plant 870 W. William St. CCHP 15,516 34 - G2
F0064 Central Utility Plant - Heating Plant 845 W. Dickson St. HEAT 17,162 35 - G2, G5
F0484 Central Utility Plant – Maintenance Shop 832 W. William St. CUPS 7,349  
F0346 Ceramics Studio 326 S. Eastern Ave. CERM 8,483 36 - G1
F0446 Champions Hall 811 W. Dickson Street CHPN 68,920 43 - G5
F0368 Charles and Clydene Scharlau Family Gazebo 450 S. Razorback Rd. GAZ5 956 37 - G1
F0066 Chemical Storage - Building A (Facilities Management) 521 S. Razorback Rd. CHSA 160 40 - G1
F0067 Chemical Storage - Building B (Facilities Management) 521 S. Razorback Rd. CHSB 160 40 - G1
F0068 Chemical Storage - Building C (Facilities Management) 521 S. Razorback Rd. CHSC 160  40 - G1
F0069 Chemical Storage - Building D (Facilities Management) 521 S. Razorback Rd. CHSD 160 40 - G1
F0070 Chemical Storage - Building E (Facilities Management) 521 S. Razorback Rd. CHSE 160 40 - G1
F0072 Chemistry and Biochemistry Research Building 386 N. McIlroy Ave. CHBC 44,402 38 - G5
F0071 Chemistry Building 345 N. Campus Walk CHEM 72,520 39 - G5
F0073 Chi Omega 940 W. Maple St. CIOS 22,240 41 - G6
F0074 Chi Omega Greek Theatre 980 W. Dickson St. COGT 28,442 42 - G5
F0075 Chicken of Tomorrow House 2361 N. Omer McConnell Ave. COTH 10,080  
F0356 Clinton House Museum 930 W. Clinton Dr. CLIN 1,730 44 - G2
F0475 Compost Shed 13450 Jack Perkins Lane CMSH    
F0079 Composter Building 2360 N. Wylie Ave. COMB 224   
F0429 Computer-Based Test Center 97 N. Razorback Rd. TSTA 3,926 166A - G2
F0487 Cordia Harrington Center for Excellence 470 N. Campus Walk CORD 71,042  
F0085 Cotton-Feed Grains Laboratory 1385 W. Altheimer Dr. CFGL    
F0086 Cralley-Warren Research Laboratory 2601 N. Young Ave. VIRO 11,200  
F0492 Crop Science Research Center 1354 W. Altheimer Dr. CROP 22,980  
Building Code DDDD                                              Building Name Address Alias GSF Snow Maps
(Bldg # / Grid)
F0110 Daniel E. Ferritor Hall 319 N. Campus Walk FERR 53,267 47 - G2, G5
F0181 David W. Mullins Library 365 N. McIlroy Ave. MULN 228,848 48 - G2, G3
F0168 Davis Hall 1030 W. Maple St. DAVH 15,829 49 - G3
F0090 Delta Delta Delta 920 W. Maple St. DDDS 45,096 50 - G3
F0465 Delta Gamma 625 W. Maple St. DGMS 29,134  
F0493 Delta Sigma Theta 266 S. Stadium Dr. DSTS  2,202  
F0260 Dills Indoor Tennis Center 1503 W. Nettleship St. DILL 61,748 51 - G1
F0222 Discovery Hall 335 N. Campus Walk DISC 56,505 152 - G2
F0491 Don Tyson Annex 2549 N. Hatch Ave. DTAN 8,000  
F0458 Don Tyson Center for Agricultural Sciences 1371 W. Altheimer Dr. DTAS 51,931  
F0218 Donald W. Reynolds Center for Enterprise Development 145 N. Buchanan Ave. RCED 47,725 52 - G2
F0242 Donald W. Reynolds Razorback Stadium - east stand / skyboxes 350 N. Razorback Rd. RSEA 640,262 53 - G2
F0243 Donald W. Reynolds Razorback Stadium - west stand / skyboxes 350 N. Razorback Rd. RSWE 259,912 54 - G2
F0106 Dorothy E. King Equine Pavilion 1323 W. Knapp Dr. EQCT 4,800  
F0093 Drying Bin 1035 W. Cassatt St. DRYB 227  
F0389 Duncan Avenue Apartments A 194 N. Duncan Ave. DUNA 11,660 57 - G5
F0390 Duncan Avenue Apartments B 172 N. Duncan Ave. DUNB 2,134 57A - G5
F0391 Duncan Avenue Apartments C 160 N. Duncan Ave. DUNC 11,510 57B - G5
F0392 Duncan Avenue Apartments D 118 N. Duncan Ave. DUND 25,940 57C - G5
F0393 Duncan Avenue Apartments E 80 N. Duncan Ave. DUNE 9,360 57D - G5
F0394 Duncan Avenue Apartments F (pavilion) 126 N. Duncan Ave. DUNF 1,000 57E - G5
F0094 Dwelling 1 1851 N. Dvorachek Ave. DWL1 1,144  
F0095 Dwelling 2 1424 W. Altheimer Dr. DWL2 1,640  
F0096 Dwelling 3 2395 N. Omer McConnell Ave. DWL3 808  
Building Code EEEE                                              Building Name Address Alias GSF Snow Maps
(Bldg # / Grid)
F0097 Eastern Avenue Warehouse - Surplus Property 300 S. Eastern Ave. EAWH 5,239 59 - G1
F0352 Edward Durell Stone House - north 332 N. Arkansas Ave. STON 7,991 60 - G5
F0189 Edward Durell Stone House - south 330 N. Arkansas Ave. STOS 15,550 60A - G5
F0099 Electrical Substation 845 W. Dickson St. SUBS 771 61 - G2, G5
F0062 Ella Carnall Hall 465 N. Arkansas Ave. CARN 42,186 62 - G6
F0101 Engineering Research Center 700 W. Research Center Blvd. ENRC 170,000 63 - G4
F0494 English Language and Cultural Studies House 965 W. Douglas St. ELAC 480  
F0409 Enterprise Center 534 W. Research Center Blvd. ENTR 64,267 64 - G4
F0102 Entomology Greenhouse 1122 W. Cassatt St. ENTG 1,100  
F0103 Entomology Headhouse 1125 W. Isley St. ENHG 3,297  
F0104 Entomology Shop and Forestry Laboratory 1160 W. Isley St. ESFL 4,820  
F0105 Entomology Toxic Medical Laboratory 1152 W. Isley St. ETML 2,666  
F0354 Environmental Health and Safety Storage 1530 W. Mitchell St. EHSS 2,294 66 - G1
F0424 Epley Center for Health Professions 606 N. Razorback Road ECHP 46,186 67 - G3
Building Code FFFF                                              Building Name Address Alias GSF Snow Maps
(Bldg # / Grid)
F0191 Facilities Management 521 S. Razorback Rd. FAMA 93,131 69 - G1
F0107 Farm Manager's Residence 1375 W. Dinwiddie St. FRMR 1,340  
F0108 FarmHouse 348 N. Arkansas Ave. FARM 6,192 71 - G5
F0453 Fay Jones House 1330 N. Hillcrest Ave. FAYJ  2,411  
F0134 Feed Barn / Hay Barn 5 2069 W. Heck St. HAY5 2,800   
F0111 Fertilizer Storage Shed 1081 W. Cassatt St. FEST 800  
F0112 Field Laboratory 1005 W. Meade St. FLDL  4,000  
F0113 Fine Arts Center 340 N. Garland Ave. FNAR 84,281 73 - G2
F0114 Food Science Building 2650 N. Young Ave. FDSC 51,330  
F0320 Food Science Storage 1004 W. Prince St. FSST    
F0115 Forage Dryer 1065 W. Cassatt St. FODR 375  
F0433 Founders Hall 255 N. McIlroy Ave. FNDR 78,000  75 - G2
F0454 Fowler Conservatory 527 N. Razorback Rd. FWCS 3,626 193 - G3
F0448 Fowler Family Baseball and Track Training Center 1276 S. Beechwood Ave. BBTR  42,710  
F0036 Frank Broyles Athletic Center 350 N. Razorback Rd. FBAC 343,383 76 - G3
F0485 Frank O’Mara Track and Field High Performance Center 130 S. Razorback Rd. OTFC    
F0432 Fred Smith Football Center 270 N. Razorback Rd. FSFC 82,000 74 - G2
F0348 Fred W. and Mary B. Smith Razorback Golf Center 5832 Clear Creek Blvd. FMSG    
F0119 Futrall Hall 525 Lindell Ave. FUTR 50,015 78 - G3
Building Code GGGG                                              Building Name Address Alias GSF Snow Maps
(Bldg # / Grid)
F0186 G. David Gearhart Hall 340 N. Campus Walk GEAR 92,147 136 - G5
F0410 Garland Avenue Garage 650 N. Garland Ave. GAPG 512,589 79 - G3
F0411 Garland Avenue Shops 640 N. Garland Ave. GACS 20,000  80 - G3
F0371 Gatehouse - east 1335 W. Carlson Dr. GATE 1,197 81 - G1
F0376 Gatehouse - west 1335 W. Carlson Dr. GATW 724 81A - G1
F0121 Genetic Disease House 2334 N. Wylie Ave. GEDH 6,400  
F0182 George and Boyce Billingsley Music Building 320 N. Garland Ave. MUSC 32,323 82 - G2
F0366 George Family Gazebo 450 S. Razorback Rd. GAZ3 956 83 - G1
F0122 Gibson Annex (Multimedia Resource Center) 325 N. McIlroy Ave. GIBX 3,700 84 - G2
F0123 Gibson Hall 1050 W. Dickson St. GIBS 31,488 85 - G2
F0124 Gladson-Ripley Hall 177 N. Garland Ave. GLAD 21,163 86 - G2
F0080 Global Campus 2 E. Center St. GLBL 51,529 87 - G4
F0338 Gordon Morgan Hall (includes Roberta Fulbright Dining Hall) 1106 W. Maple St. MGNR 115,699 134 - G3
F0384 Government Avenue Warehouse 1 701 S. Lt. Col. Leroy Pond Ave. GAW1 20,109  
F0125 Graduate Education Building 751 W. Maple St. GRAD 63,990 90 - G6
F0483 Grady E. Harvell Civil Engineering Research and Education Center 1983 S. Laverne Ave. HCEC 34,305  
F0437 Graham East 130 S. Graham Ave. GRAE 1,012 185 - G1
F0436 Graham Northeast 116 S. Graham Ave. GRNE  1,439 184 - G1
F0435 Graham Northwest 114 S. Graham Ave. GRNW 956  184 - G1
 F0442 Graham South 104 S. Graham Ave. GRAS 1,909 186 - G1
F0293 Greenhouse (Crop, Soil, and Environmental Services) 2594 W. Hamblen Ave. GRCS    
F0292 Greenhouse (Entomology) 1141 W. Isley St. GREN 2,664   
F0294 Greenhouse A (Horticulture) 988 W. Prince St. 1 GRHA 12,290  
F0302 Greenhouse A (Plant Pathology) 1140 W. Cassatt St. 1 GRPA 4,472  
F0295 Greenhouse B (Horticulture) 988 W. Prince St. 2 GRHB 1,340  
F0303 Greenhouse B (Plant Pathology) 1140 W. Cassatt St. 2 GRPB 1,500  
F0296 Greenhouse C (Horticulture) 988 W. Prince St. 3 GRHC 1,340  
F0304 Greenhouse C (Plant Pathology) 1140 W. Cassatt St. 3 GRPC 1,500  
F0297 Greenhouse D (Horticulture) 988 W. Prince St. 4 GRHD 1,340  
F0305 Greenhouse D (Plant Pathology) 1140 W. Cassatt St. 4 GRPD 1,500  
F0298 Greenhouse E (Horticulture) 988 W. Prince St. 5 GRHE 1,340  
F0306 Greenhouse E (Plant Pathology) 1140 W. Cassatt St. 5 GRPE 1,340  
F0299 Greenhouse F (Horticulture) 988 W. Prince St. 6 GRHF 1,340   
 F0307 Greenhouse F (Plant Pathology) 1140 W. Cassatt St. 6 GRPF 1,500   
F0300 Greenhouse G (Horticulture) 988 W. Prince St. 7 GRHG 1,340  
F0308 Greenhouse G (Plant Pathology) 1140 W. Cassatt St. 7 GRPG  1,500  
F0301 Greenhouse H (Horticulture) 988 W. Prince St. 8 GRHH 1,340  
F0309 Greenhouse H (Plant Pathology) 1140 W. Cassatt St. 8 GRPH 1,340  
F0479 Greenhouse I (Horticulture) 988 W. Prince St. 9 GRHI    
F0480 Greenhouse J (Horticulture) 976 W. Prince St. GRHJ    
F0481 Greenhouse K (Horticulture) 981 W. Meade St. GRHK    
F0127 Gregson Hall 301 N. Garland Ave. GREG 66,103 91 - G2
F0128 Grounds Shop 726 W. Maple Ave. GRND 1,990 68 - G6
Building Code HHHH                                              Building Name Address Alias GSF Snow Maps
(Bldg # / Grid)
F0355 Harmon Avenue Garage 146 N. Harmon Ave. HAPG 743,372 92 - G5
F0399 Harmon Avenue Garage - Front Office 146 N. Harmon Ave. HAPI 14,575 92 - G5
F0013 Harry R. Rosen Alternative Pest Control Center 979 W. Maple St. ROSE 32,600 93 - G3
F0129 Hatchery 2382 N. Robert Smith Ave. HACH 4,800  
F0130 Hay Barn 1 1350 W. Dinwiddie St. HAY1 1,600  
F0132 Hay Barn 3 2000 W. Heck St. HAY3 3,224   
F0133 Hay Barn 4 2280 N. Gifford Ave. HAY4 2,600  
F0422 HazMat Storage Facility 768 W. Discovery Way HZMT 1,158  
F0135 Headhouse / Greenhouses and Insectary 1140 W. Cassatt St. HGAI 4,576  
F0137 Health, Physical Education, and Recreation Building 155 Stadium Dr. HPER 213,835 94 - G2
F0138 High Density Electronics Center 720 W. Discovery Way HDEC 7,897 95 - G4
F0428 Hillside Auditorium 902 W. Dickson St. HILL 35,175 96 - G5
F0139 Holcombe Hall 550 N. Garland Ave. HOLR 52,558 97 - G3
F0363 Holding Pen pavilion 450 S. Razorback Rd. PAV1 4,264 99 - G1
F0143 Horticulture Machine Shop 965 W. Meade St. HMAC 3,600  
F0314 Horticulture Machinery Shed 941 W. Meade St. HOMS    
F0313 Horticulture Soil Storage 966 W. Prince St. HOSS    
F0144 Hotz Hall 1175 W. Cleveland St. HOTZ 100,000 100 - G3
F0140 Human Environmental Sciences Building 987 W. Maple St. HOEC 33,395 102 - G3
F0145 Humphreys Hall 195 N. McIlroy Ave. HUMP 101,414 103 - G2
F0147 Hypobaric Shed 2377 N. Omer McConnell Ave. HBSH 920  
Building Code IIII                                              Building Name Address Alias GSF Snow Maps
(Bldg # / Grid)
F0148 Incinerator 2381 N. Omer McConnell Ave. INCN    
F0336 Innovation Center 535 W. Research Center Blvd. INOV 35,550 105 - G4
F0152 Insect Rearing Facility 2639 N. Young Ave. INRF  3,360  
F0153 Insecticide Storage Building 1174 W. Isley St. INST 1,200  
F0154 Insectary A 1135 W. Isley St. INSA  225  
F0155 Insectary B 1135 W. Isley St. INSB 1,200   
F0156 Insectary C 1135 W. Isley St. INSC 225  
F0157 Insectary D 1135 W. Isley St. INSD 225   
F0158 Insectary E 1135 W. Isley St. INSE 225   
F0159 Insectary F 1135 W. Isley St. INSF 225   
F0160 Insectary G 1135 W. Isley St. INSG 225   
F0496 Institute for Integrative and Innovative Research 793 W. Dickson St. IIIR 142,124  
F0341 Intramural Multipurpose Building (restrooms/observation/storage) 1486 W. Mitchell St. IMMP 1,407 106 - G1
F0362 Intramural Recreational Storage 1518 W. MItchell St. IMRS 2,499 107 - G1
Building Code JJJJ                                              Building Name Address Alias GSF Snow Maps
(Bldg # / Grid)
F0486 J.B. and Johnelle Hunt Family Baseball Development Center 1471 S. Debriyn Dr. HFBC 60,476  
F0350 J.B. Hunt Transport Services Inc. Center for Academic Excellence 227 N. Harmon Ave. JBHT 117,326 109 - G2
F0016 Janelle Y. Hembree Alumni House 491 N. Razorback Rd. ALUM 20,540 108 - G3
F0419 Jean Tyson Child Development Center 924 W. Douglas St. JTCD 25,560 110 - G3
F0449 Jerry and Gene Jones Family Student-Athlete Success Center 1229 W. Meadow St. JSAS  59,108 14 - G2
F0268 Jim and Joyce Faulkner Performing Arts Center 453 N. Garland Ave. FPAC 42.798 72 - G3
F0100 John A. White, Jr. Engineering Hall 790 W. Dickson St. ENGR 58,511 113 - G5
F0206 John Kirkpatrick Skeeles Poultry Health Laboratory 2652 N. McConnell Ave. POHL 12,570  
F0262 John McDonnell Field 10 S. Razorback Rd. TRAC 29,642 111 - G2
F0208 John W. Tyson Building 1260 W. Maple St. POSC 141,755 112 - G3
Building Code KKKK                                              Building Name Address Alias GSF Snow Maps
(Bldg # / Grid)
F0455 Kappa Alpha Order 340 N. Arkansas Ave. KAAO 17,185 189 - G5
F0163 Kappa Delta 404 W. Maple St. KDLS 17,762 114 - G6
F0164 Kappa Kappa Gamma 800 W. Maple St. KKGS 26,770 115 - G6
F0165 Kappa Sigma 711 W. Dickson St. KASF 29,538 116 - G5
F0166 Kimpel Hall 280 N. McIlroy Ave. KIMP 131,404 117 - G2
F0482 KUAF Radio Tower Equipment Shed 17500 Skelton Rd. RTES 231  
Building Code LLLL                                              Building Name Address Alias GSF Snow Maps
(Bldg # / Grid)
F0228 Lambda Chi Alpha 120 N. Stadium Dr. LCAF 23,000 118 - G2
F0167 Lancaster Laboratory 1129 W. Isley St. LANL 400   
F0169 Layer House 1 (class D) 2353 N. Omer McConnell Ave. LAY1 10,000  
F0170 Layer House 2 (class D) 1610 W. Van Thompson St. LAY2 8,320  
F0380 Leflar Law Center - Norma Lea Beasley Entrance Hall, William H. Enfield 1045 W. Maple St. LSAD 64,010 119A - G3
F0171 Leflar Law Center - Waterman Hall, Robert A. and Vivial Young Law Library 1045 W. Maple St. WATR 83,285 119 - G3
F0023 Lewis E. Epley Jr. Band Hall 345 N. Garland Ave. BAND 27,118 121 - G2
F0459 Library Annex 659 W. Praxis Ln. LINX 27,900  
F0353 Library Storage Annex 352 S. Eastern Ave. LISA 14,020 122 - G1
F0311 Litter Storage (Poultry Science) 2379 N. Omer McConnell LISP 3,000  
F0321 Livestock Barn 2332 N. Gifford Ave. WHIA  9,600  
F0396 Lynn and Joel Carver Center for Public Radio (KUAF) 9 S. School Ave. KUAF 7,325 32 - G4
Building Code MMMM                                              Building Name Address Alias GSF Snow Maps
(Bldg # / Grid)
F0173 Machine Shed 1045 W. Cassatt St. MSHD 7,000   
F0174 Machine Shed / storage 2634 N. Hamblen Ave. MSAS 1,280  
F0175 Machinery Shed - north 1007 W. Cassatt St. MASN 3,792  
F0176 Machinery Shed - south 1029 W. Cassatt St. MASS    
F0315 Machine Shed (Crop, Soil, and Environmental Sciences) 1018 W. Strange St. MSSC    
F0504 Maple Hill Bike Shed 648 N. Hall Ave. MHBS 2,069  
F0383 Maple Hill Residence Hall - east 1261 W. Cleveland St. MHER 107,500 123 - G3
F0397 Maple Hill Residence Hall - south 645 N. Hall Ave. MHSR 107,500 123A - G3
F0373 Maple Hill Residence Hall - west 1263 W. Cleveland St. MHWR 107,500 123B - G3
F0339 Margaret Clark Hall 1110 W. Maple St. CLKR 64,055 134A - G3
F0177 Markham House (Alpha Phi Alpha) 1425 W. Markham Rd. MARK 3,562 124 - G2
F0178 McIlroy House (University Press) 105 N. McIlroy Ave. MCHS 5,694 125 - G2
F0430 Meadow Street Parking Garage 1308 W. Meadow St. MSPG   127 - G2
F0179 Mechanical Engineering Building 863 W. Dickson St. MEEG 33,210 128 - G5
F0180 Memorial Hall 480 Campus Walk MEMH 56,687 129 - G6
Building Code NNNN                                              Building Name Address Alias GSF Snow Maps
(Bldg # / Grid)
F0509 Nadine Baum Studios 505 W. Spring St. NBSA    
F0407 Nanoscale Material Science and Engineering Building 731 W. Dickson St. NANO 77,902 130 - G5
F0370 National Center for Reliable Electrical Power Transmission 2055 S. Innovation Way NCRE 12,207 131 - G1
F0364 NCAA National Championship Gazebo 450 S. Razorback Rd. GAZ1 956 132 - G1
F0490 Necropsy Building 1344 W. Dinwiddie St. NBPO    
F0183 Nematology Laboratory and Greenhouse 2610 N. Hamblen Ave. NEMA  4,500  
F0184 North Chiller Plant 1236 W. Maple St. NCHL 4,825 133 - G3
F0405 Northwest Quadrangle Pump House 641 N. Garland Ave. NQPH 459 134C - G3
Building Code OOOO                                              Building Name Address Alias GSF Snow Maps
(Bldg # / Grid)
F0477 Occupational Therapy House 50 N. Harmon Ave. OTHS 3,577  
F0213 Office of Testing Services 97 N. Razorback Rd. TEST 5,304 166 - G2
F0185 Old Main 416 N. Campus Walk MAIN 106,055 135 - G5, G6
F0438 One East Center 1 East Center St. ECEN 82,788 183 - G4
Building Code PPPP                                              Building Name Address Alias GSF Snow Maps
(Bldg # / Grid)
F0342 Pat Walker Health Center 525 N. Garland Ave. HLTH 60,730 137 - G3
F0172 Pauline Whitaker Animal Science Center 1335 W. Knapp St. WHIT 55,000  
F0187 Peabody Hall 763 W. Maple St. PEAH 27,767 138 - G6
F0188 Phi Delta Theta 208 N. Stadium Dr. PDTF 19,315 139 - G2
F0120 Phi Gamma Delta 10 N. Garland Ave. PGDF 14,108 140 - G2
F0463 Phi Mu 792 W. Maple St. PHMS 30,816  
F0192 Physics Building 825 W. Dickson St. PHYS 46,536 141 - G5
F0193 Pi Beta Phi 502 W. Maple St. PBPS 33,682 142 - G6
F0194 Pi Kappa Alpha 320 Arkansas Ave. PKAF 29,229 143 - G5
F0195 Plant Growth Chamber 2628 N. Hamblen Ave. PGCH 450  
F0196 Plant Sciences Building 495 N. Campus Walk PTSC 49,511 144 - G6
F0201 Pomfret Dining Hall 31 S. Stadium Dr. FSPF   145 - G2
F0197 Pomfret Hall A 31 S. Stadium Dr. POMA 53,464 145 - G2
F0198 Pomfret Hall B 31 S. Stadium Dr. POMB 82,619 145 - G2
F0199 Pomfret Hall C 31 S. Stadium Dr. POMC 28,385 145 - G2
F0200 Pomfret Hall D 31 S. Stadium Dr. POMD 37,264 145 - G2
F0472 Poultry Barn 1 and Laboratory 13450 Jack Perkins Lane PLB1    
F0473 Poultry Barn 2 13450 Jack Perkins Lane PLB2    
F0474 Poultry Barn 3 13450 Jack Perkins Lane PLB3    
F0343 Poultry Breeder Farm 14930 White Oak Road, Savoy POBF    
f0316 Poultry Colony House 1 1471-1 W. Knapp St. PSC1    
F0317 Poultry Colony House 2 1471-2 W. Knapp St. PSC2    
F0203 Poultry Disease Laboratory 2754 N. McConnell Ave. PODL 3,016  
F0204 Poultry Environmental Laboratory 2364 N. Robert Smith Ave. POEL 4,800  
F0205 Poultry Feed Mill 1501 W. Knapp St. POFM 8,000  
F0318 Poultry Floor Pen 1 2308-1 N. Robert Smith Ave. PFP1  2,640  
F0319 Poultry Floor Pen 2 2308-2 N. Robert Smith Ave. PFP2    
F0207 Poultry Pilot Processing Plant 1495 W. Knapp St. PPPC 10,000  
F0400 Poultry Shavings Storage Building 2369 N. Omer McConnell Ave. PSSB    
F0209 Poultry Teaching Facility 2375 N. Robert Smith Ave. POTF 2,400  
F0210 Printing Services 1580 W. Mitchell St. PRES 25,429 146 - G1
F0211 Pullet House 2345 N. Omer McConnell Ave. PUHO 12,160  
F0471 Pump House 13450 Jack Perkins Lane PMPH    
Building Code RRRR                                              Building Name Address Alias GSF Snow Maps
(Bldg # / Grid)
F0150 Randal Tyson Track Center 1380 S. Beechwood Ave. INTR 106,000  
F0230 Razorback Field - fieldhouse (women's soccer) 1175 W. Carlson Dr. SDRA  3,000 148A - G1
F0231 Razorback Field - stands / pressbox 1183 W. Carlson Dr. SSPA 22,758  148B - G1
F0232 Razorback Field - ticket booth 1175 W. Carlson Dr. STBA 500  148C - G1
F0377 Razorback Foundation 1295 W. Razorback Rd. RAZA 4,100 149 - G3
F0263 Razorback Transit Maintenance Facility 280 S. Eastern Ave. BUSB 7,883 150 - G1
F0190 Recycling Center 434 S. Eastern Ave. PPRC 6,010  
F0214 Reid Hall 1365 W. Cleveland St. REID 95,235 151 - G3
F0215 Repair Shop 1935 W. Heck St. REPS 1,536   
F0219 Rice Laboratory Annex 2551 N. Hamblen Ave. RILX    
Building Code SSSS                                              Building Name Address Alias GSF Snow Maps
(Bldg # / Grid)
F0220 Sawfly Shed 1148 W. Cassatt St. SASH    
F0469 School of Art Annex 639 W. Martin Lurther King  Blvd. SOAX 12,640  
F0223 Science Engineering Building 850 W. Dickson St. SCEN 107,263 153 - G2, G5
F0456 Sculpture Studio 744 S. Hill Ave. SCUL  34,483 192 - G4
F0476 Show Barn 13450 Jack Perkins Lane SHBN    
F0226 Sigma Alpha Epsilon 110 N. Stadium Dr. SAEF 27,782 155 - G2
F0227 Sigma Chi 618 W. Maple St. SCHF 31,605 156 - G6
F0372 Sigma Nu 260 N. Stadium Dr. SINF 22,758 157 - G2
F0146 Silas H. Hunt Hall 471 N. Garland Ave. HUNT 30,995 158 - G3
F0229 Small Grain 2521 N. Hatch Ave. SMGR 3,750  
F0238 Soil Testing Annex 2 2514 N. Hamblen Ave. SOA2  288  
F0237 Soil Testing Laboratory / Annex 1 2516 N. Hamblen Ave. SOAN  288  
F0239 Solar Poultry and Instruction House 2320 N. Robert Smith Ave. SOPO 4,000   
F0240 Sorghum Greehhouse 1391 W. Altheimer Dr. SOGH    
F0333 South School Avenue Warehouse 1819 S. School Ave. SSWH 4,252  
F0335 Southwest Chiller Plant 131 N. Stadium Dr. SWCP 6,246 161 - G2
F0256 Southwest Radiation Calibration Center 734 W. Discovery Way SWRC 2,247 162 - G4
F0386 Stadium Drive Garage 380 N. Stadium Dr. SDPG 203,358 163 - G2
F0367 Stanley Reed Family Gazebo 450 S. Razorback Rd. GAZ4 956 159 - G1
F0244 storage 1442 W. Altheimer Dr. STO1    
F0245 storage 1561 W. Van Thompson St. STO0 720  
F0246 storage 2356 N. Robert Smith Ave. STO2 400  
F0247 storage 2352 N. Robert Smith Ave. STO3 400  
F0248 storage 2348 N. Robert Smith Ave. STO4 400  
F0249 storage 2344 N. Robert Smith Ave. STO5 400  
F0250 storage 2328 N. Robert Smith Ave. STO6 400  
F0251 storage 2332 N. Robert Smith Ave. STO7 400  
F0252 storage 2336 N. Robert Smith Ave. STO8 400  
F0253 storage 2340 N. Robert Smith Ave. STO9 400  
F0291 storage (Plant Pathology) 2598 N. Hamblen Ave. STPA 100   
F0310 storage (USDA) 2322 N. Omer McConnell Ave. STUS 2,400  
F0287 storage A (Biological and Agricultural Engineering) 2315-2 Gifford Ave. STA2    
F0288 storage B (Biological and Agricultural Engineering) 2315-3 Gifford Ave. STA3    
F0289 storage C (Biological and Agricultural Engineering) 2315-4 Gifford Ave. STA4    
F0290 storage D (Biological and Agricultural Engineering) 2315-5 Gifford Ave. STA5    
F0254 storage building 1178 W. Isley St. STR1 2,700  
F0312 Stud Barn (Animal Science) 2170 N. Gifford Ave. STUD    
F0488 Studio and Design Center 696 W. Praxis Lane SDCR 155,060  
F0344 Sustainability House 238 N. Harmon Ave. SUST 2,419 28 - G2
F0345 Suzuki Music School of Arkansas 859 Clinton Dr. SUZM 2,888 165 - G2, G5
F0360 Swine Farm 14943 White Oak Rd., Savoy SWNB    
F0359 Swine Farm (old) 144451 N. U of A Beef Farm Rd., Savoy SWNA    
F0257 Swine Off-Site Nursery 2010 W. Heck St. SWIN    
Building Code TTTT                                              Building Name Address Alias GSF Snow Maps
(Bldg # / Grid)
F0369 Track Storage Building 1470 S. Beechwood Ave. TSBA    
F0264 Turkey Brooder House 2241 N. Omer McConnell Ave. TUBH 8,000  
F0265 Turkey Grower House 2265 N. Omer McConnell Ave. TUGH 9,920  
Building Code UUUU                                              Building Name Address Alias GSF Snow Maps
(Bldg # / Grid)
F0452 UAteach 946 Clinton Dr. UTCH 4,210 25 - G2
F0161 Union Station 361 N. Garland Ave. UNST 13,531 170 - G2
F0267 Unity House 1002 W. Maple St. UNHS 21,543 168 - G3
F0412 University Bookstore 616 N. Garland Ave. BKST 33,656 167 - G3
F0434 University Housing Office 960 W. Douglas St. HOUS 20,330  101 - G3
F0351 University Relations Studio 400 S. Eastern Ave. URST 6,221 169 - G1
F0427 Uptown Annex 3550 N. Front St. UPTX 864 171 - G5
F0426 Uptown East 1083 E. Sain Ave. UPTE 31,921 171A - G5
F0425 Uptown West 1001 E. Sain Ave. UPTW 29,895 171B - G5
F0402 UREC Tennis Center 1357 W. Indian Trail TENN    
Building Code VVVV                                              Building Name Address Alias GSF Snow Maps
(Bldg # / Grid)
F0388 Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory 2200 W. Deane St. VETD    
F0269 Virology Greenhouse 1122 W. Cassatt St. VIGH    
F0270 Vol Walker Hall 459 Campus Walk WALK 93,443 172 - G2, G3
Building Code WWWW                                              Building Name Address Alias GSF Snow Maps
(Bldg # / Grid)
F0379 Wallace W. and Jama M. Fowler House (chancellor's residence) 523 N. Razorback Rd. FWLR 10,488 174 - G3
F0271 warehouse B  20 N. University Ave. WHRL 12,000 175 - G5
F0273 warehouse D 20 N. University Ave. FSWH 1,112 175B - G5
F0274 warehouse E 20 N. University Ave. WHBA 2,775 175C - G5
F0275 warehouse F 20 N. University Ave. WHPB 1,606 175D - G5
F0276 warehouse H 20 N. University Ave. WHBS 4,018 175E - G5
F0084 Washington County Extension Office 2536 N. McConnell Ave. COOP 7,000  
F0277 Waste Water Renovation 1361 W. Strange St. WWRE    
F0278 Water Quality Research 2510 N. Hatch Ave. WAQR 200  
F0334 Water Treatment Building 854 W. William St. WTRT 827 176 - G2, G5
F0279 West Avenue Annex 340 N. West Ave. WAAX 25,212 177 - G5
F0149 Willard and Pat Walker Pavilion/Walker Family Training Center 190 N. Razorback Rd. IDPA 103,727 179 - G2
F0337 Willard B. Gatewood, Jr. Hall 1104 W. Maple St. GTWR 64,055 178 - G3
F0349 Willard J. Walker Hall 191 N. Harmon Ave. WJWH 77,778 180 - G2
F0280 workshop 2620 N. Hamblen Ave. WKSP 1,350  
F0141 Wright Office of Study Abroad 520 Storer Ave. WOSA 3,121  
Building Code YYYY                                              Building Name Address Alias GSF Snow Maps
(Bldg # / Grid)
F0281 Yocum Hall 155 N. McIlroy Ave. YOCM 107,014 181 - G2
Building Code ZZZZ                                              Building Name Address Alias GSF Snow Maps
(Bldg # / Grid)
F0282 Zeta Tau Alpha 530 Oakland Ave. ZTAS 34,091 182 - G3