Contractor Playbook

Working with the University of Arkansas is unlike other construction projects and special considerations must be made for the safety of our students and protection of campus resources. 

project considerations


  • List the project name in the subject line of the email.
  • Only one project per email

After Hours Emergencies

In the event of an after-hours emergency or if you witness a leak, power outage, etc. not related to your construction project, please report the problem by calling 575-5050 (between 7:30- 5:00 M-F) or 575-2222 (after hours). On-call Facilities Management employees will attend to the issue.

Parking on Campus

Parking on campus is a challenge and requires advanced planning. When developing your site plan for review, identify any parking spaces required for dumpsters, lay down, or access to the project. Provide the Construction Coordinator with a map clearly identifying these spaces and duration needed. Depending on the time of year and location of the project, the number of parking permits allowed for the JOC and subcontractors will vary. Work through the Construction Coordinator for approval, then purchase permits through the Transit and Parking Department located at 155 S. Razorback Rd. Their phone number is 479-575-PARK or you may email them at

Prior to Site Mobilization

Once the Letter of Intent has been issued, we will need to review the Site Mobilization Plan. This plan must show the following:

  • Location of site fence, main gates, and vehicular site access
  • Pedestrian safety plan if detours are required, show detour and signage locations for wayfinding
  • Location of portable toilets
  • Location of dumpster if required

Identify BMP's required and inlets that will need protection. If the site is less than one acre, a formal NPDES Small Site Permit is not required, but Storm Water Management is always required by the contractor. Review implemented BMP's prior to soil disturbance.

Pre-Con Agenda

In addition to a review of University Policies (Tobacco Free Campus, Expectations of Behavior by Subcontractors, Parking Requirements, Tree Protection, etc.) be prepared for the following: 

  • Review of the project schedule
  • Identification of utility outages 
    • Timing within schedule, duration, and what will be affected by the outage
  • Identification of street closures or parking spaces that will be needed to accomplish the work 

Contractor Key Policy

The Contractor Key Policy applies to low bid, alt delivery, JOC task orders, and IDIQ task orders when contracted directly with FAMA and retention of payment is held to secure return of keys. 

  • Whenever practical, construction cores shall be used for contractor controlled construction areas.
  • The project’s Key Accountability Form shall be attached to the initial Letter of Intent (LOI) for the project and filled out by the construction coordinator authorizing issuance of the keys anticipated for the project.
    • NOTE: TheKey Accountability Form shall be attached to the LOI whether or not any keys are expected to be issued for the work and the contractor must return the form, signed by the Key Office, with the final pay application even if no keys were issued.
    • The contractor is not required to check out all the keys on the form if they are not required. Additional keys may be added to the form throughout the project if the need arises.
  • The Key Office at 1486 Mitchell Street to complete the key sign out process and issue the requested keys.
    • Restricted keys require Director approval prior to release.  Restricted keys include roofs, high voltage, tunnels, and elevators.
    • The contractor shall initial and date the Key Accountability Form when the keys are received and provide a copy to the coordinator.
    • Keys will only be issued to employees of the general contractor. It is the general contractor’s responsibility to maintain accountability and key control if they choose to loan keys to any subcontractor. Subcontractors may NOT directly check out keys.
    • Keys shall NOT be duplicated.
    • No deposit shall be charged for checking out a key. However, sufficient retainage shall be held and final payment shall not be released until the project’s Key Accountability Form is signed off by the Key Office and any required fees for late or lost keys have been paid.
  • The required return date of all keys issued for the contract is 60 days after the project substantial completion date, unless an extension is approved by the coordinator, or whenever final payment is requested, whichever is sooner.
    • In no case shall keys be issued for longer than 1 year without verifying accountability, in person, to confirm the contractor still maintains possession of the key(s).
    • The Key Accountability Form does not need to be updated until completion of the project, however, the contractor must renew the keys after 1 year with the key office.
    • It is solely the contractor’s responsibility, not the coordinator and nor the Key Office’s, to track the required renewal dates and renew the keys after 1 year. Keys renewed more than 30 days late (whether at annual renewal or upon project completion) will incur a flat $125 fee per key for each 30 days they are late.

Example: 28 days late: No Fee. 45 days late: $125 per key. 75 days late: $250 per key.

    • Any employee of the general contractor may renew the keys with identification.
  • Lost keys will incur the charge established at key checkout and determined by the Key Office. Charges for lost keys vary depending on the type of key.
  • Should the contractor fail to pay the required fees, they shall be deducted from the project’s final pay application.


City and Campus Impacts

Street and Lane Closure Requests

City street closures on campus require UA approval prior to submission to the City of Fayetteville. When requesting a street closure, provide your Construction Coordinator with an aerial map that includes the location of the closure and identifies how traffic will be rerouted in the area. Information to include in this submission:

  • Dates of closure (duration)
  • Locations of signage
  • Pedestrian safety plan

Once the plan closure (or detour) is approved through the Construction Coordinator, please copy the Coordinator on all correspondence with the City of Fayetteville. 

SWPP on Campus

All projects on campus which require the disturbance of soil require BMP's to be in place. Protection of inlets and containment of the storm water runoff is required. 

The University is its own MS4 and issues NPDES Small Site permits for projects between 1 and 5 acres under the University of Arkansas MS4 Permit from ADEQ. 

Illicit Discharge Permit Requirements

Provide the following information to the Construction Coordinator two weeks prior to draining or flushing Chilled or Heating Water Lines, or any other activity requiring an Illicit Discharge Permit. Notification to the City of Fayetteville is required if over 500 gallons are being released into the Sanitary Sewer System. If 1,000 gallons or more are being discharged, a permit is required. The Construction Coordinator will obtain the permit. 

  • Approximate amount of water to be discharged in gallons
  • Cutsheet for chemicals and/or cleaner in the water
  • Time period for draining/flushing
  • If flushing continues beyond stated permit date, request an extension through the Construction Coordinator.

project checklists

JOC/IDIQ Proposal Checklist

  • Proposal letter addressed to the Construction Coordinator, including the following:
    • Reference to the date of drawings priced or meeting when the scope was established if there is no Design Professional
    • Cost summary, breaking out scope
    • Summary of scope
    • Exclusions and clarifications
    • Deductive/Add alternates requested (this will greatly speed up the decision processes)
    • This letter should be modified to the agreed upon contract amount noting all VE's accepted or scope excluded.
    • Proposed schedule, start date, and duration. 
  • Spreadsheet with Bidders list INCLUDING License Numbers, Bid amounts, and Non-Responsive Bidders noted. A minimum of three bidders per trade are required.
  • Back up documentation of Low Bidders, sub-contractor proposal
  • RS Means pricing for self-performed work

Contract Checklist

One (1) copy of the following must be returned to the University before a contract can be processed through the University of Arkansas' accounting system.

  • Include the project name exactly how it is stated in the Letter of Intent
  • Proposal Letter addressed to the construction coordinator, including the following:
    • "This letter should be revised to the agreed upon contract amount noting all VE's accepted or scope excluded."
    • Pricing Back-up
  • Agreement form - be sure to use the form provided by FAMA
  • Performance Payment Bond on projects over $50,000 (see Vendor Forms below)
  • Certificate of Insurance/Power of Attorney
    • The Certificate of Insurance shall name the Certificate Holder as “Board of Trustees of the University of Arkansas” addressed FAMA, 521 South Razorback Road, Fayetteville, AR 72701.
  • Grant Disclosure Form (Governor Executive Order 98-04) for GC (subs can be listed later)

Change Order Documents Checklist

One (1) copy of the following must be returned to the University before a contract can be processed through the University of Arkansas' accounting system.

  • UA Change Order Form  signed (inked signature) by GC and Design Consultant
  • Backup documentation for Change Order (C.O.) pricing 
    • Pricing must be broken down for each C.O. request included and each C.O.R fully loaded
  • Amended Performance Payment Bond 
  • Grant Disclosure Form for all new sub-contractors with more than $25,000.00 after the C.O.

Close Out Documents Checklist

Close-Outs (one digital copy) must be submitted for review prior to the Final Pay App; allow 2-3 weeks for review of Close Out documents.

Vendor Forms


Pay apps

General Contractors' Pay Application Checklist

One (1) copy of the signed Pay Application must be submitted to

  1. Include the university-assigned PR number and the PO number.
  2. List all approved Change Orders for the billing. If a Change Order is listed on the Pay App that has not been processed, the Pay App cannot be paid. 
  3. Include an updated project schedule.
  4. Include the Continuation Sheet / Schedule of Values.
  5. Payment requests including stored materials must include backup documentation:
    1. Inspection Report: The General Contractor shall inspect Stored Material and record the inspection date, location, quantities of materials, and digital photos confirming the materials are segregated from other materials in the facility and have been clearly labeled/identified as belonging to the UA project.
    2. Completed UA Stored Materials Value Form
    3. Evidence of Insurance listing “Board of Trustees of the University of Arkansas” as additional insured and loss payee:
      • Property Insurance certificate covering the bonded warehouse/location and the stored materials.
      • Insurance certificate covering in-transit materials being delivered to the site.

Final Pay Request Documents Checklist

One (1) copy of the following must be returned to the University before a project can be closed-out and the final payment can be processed through the University of Arkansas' accounting system. 

  1. Pay App Signed (inked signature) by the GC certifying payment, design professional if required, and listing all approved Change Orders billed for. 
  2. Contractors Affidavit of Release of Liens
  3. Warranty letter for one year on all labor and materials from the GC
  4. Consent of Surety for Final Payment
  5. Insurance Form (Power of Attorney documents)
  6. Close-Outs must be submitted (one digital copy)
    1. Allow 2-3 weeks for review of Close Out documents
    2. Turn in Close Out documents for review prior to the final Pay App
  7. Turn in keys to the Key Office
  8. Submit signed key return form to the Construction Coordinator even if no keys were issued for the project.

UA6-N-1 Form

The UA6-N-1 Invoice Form (revised 2023) is the required Professional Service Invoice and shall be used by all architects, engineers, or on-call professionals. 

Include AE Minority Reporting Spreadsheet with Final Invoice.