Key Office

Physical cut keys for university buildings, rooms, and bollards and gate openers are issued by the FAMA Key Office (1486 Mitchell Street). 

  • Exception: Residence Hall and Dining Hall keys are issued  by the Housing Office (960 W. Douglas Street) 


The current publication 409.3 Keys for University Buildings and Rooms on the VCFA website is the 2015 procedural guideline for obtaining and replacing Keys to Buildings and Rooms. The document is being reviewed and will be replaced with a Key Policy that defines the key office agency and the responsibilities of key holders. 

The Key Office is responsible for collecting fees as appropriate to secure the return of keys and offset the expenses of replacing keys and re-keying when necessary. The current fees are posted online at Departmental Rates & Fees | Facilities Management | University of Arkansas ( and will be updated annually to reflect market costs.

The procedures below are for education and general purpose (E&G) buildings. Those needing keys for Auxiliaries, such as housing and athletics, should contact those offices for more information. 


Once your event has been approved, keys can be picked up with a deposit on the day before or day of an event. If an event falls on the weekend, keys can be picked up the Friday or last workday before the scheduled event. 

  • A copy of the event approval must be provided for keys to be issued. 
  • A key deposit must be paid by card or check at the time of pickup. This will be refunded when the key(s) are returned.

Campus Community

Faculty, staff, or students needing keys for buildings or offices should do so through the Facilities Management Key Office.  The key authorization paperwork must be signed by the appropriate departmental official before a key can be issued. Keys are issued to individuals only and become the responsibility of the individual.

The individual receiving the key(s) must:

  • Personally pick up the key(s)
  • Present a valid University of Arkansas ID card
  • Sign the key authorization card acknowledging receipt and responsibility for the use of the key(s)
  • Key(s) must be picked up within 30 days of card issuance or the card become invalid

Contractors and JOCs

Contractors and JOCs who have completed the necessary project documentation, including the Key Authorization form,  and have receiving approval may pick up the necessary keys from the Key Office. 

  • Restricted keys, including roofs, high voltage, tunnels, and elevators, will require Director approval prior to release.
  • Keys must be returned no later than 60 days after the project's substantial completion date, unless an extension is approved by the coordinator, or whenever final payment is requested, whichever is sooner.
  • Keys will not be issued for longer than one year without verifying accountability, in person, to confirm the contractor maintains possession of the key(s).  Contractors must renew the keys after one year with the Key Office. Any employee of the general contractor may renew the keys with identification.
  • Keys renewed more than 30 days late (whether at annual renewal or upon project completion) will incur a late fee per key for each 30 days they are late. 
  • Subcontractors may not directly check out keys.


Other Contractors and Vendors

Contractors or vendors  needing keys to athletics or auxiliary properties should contact those offices for their procedures. Facilities Management only provides keys for E&G facilities.  

General contractors authorization form 

Bollard and Gate Openers

Bollard and gate openers are provided by the Facilities Management Key Office on either a permanent or temporary basis to Facilities Management employees, University departments, and University approved contractors, vendors, or organizations. Fees or deposits may apply.

Full details are available in the Campus Gate Opener/Bollard Key Policies and Procedures